Frequently Asked

How does the experience work? (W)

The Dreamachine is an immersive experience with music and light, designed to be enjoyed with your eyes closed. You will be comfortably seated throughout the experience.

You’ll be able to experience Dreamachine in London, Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh between May and September 2022. The first release of tickets for London and Cardiff are available now. All tickets to the Dreamachine are free.

The Dreamachine immersive experience is part of a wider Dreamachine programme exploring perception, illusion and the power of the mind. It is part of UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK.

Beth yw profiad Dreamachine?

Mae’r Dreamachine yn brofiad ymgolli ar eich eistedd gyda cherddoriaeth a golau, wedi’i gynllunio i’w fwynhau gyda’ch llygaid ar gau. Byddwch yn eistedd yn gyfforddus drwy gydol y profiad.

Mae dwy fersiwn o’r profiad Dreamachine: I’r Holl Synhwyrau a Gwrando Dwfn. 

Mae’r profiad i’r Holl Synhwyrau yn cynnwys goleuadau llachar sy’n fflachio’n gyflym, a elwir yn oleuadau strôb, a cherddoriaeth uchel. I lawer o bobl bydd effeithiau’r goleuadau a’r gerddoriaeth yn cynhyrchu delweddau lliwgar, caleidosgopig y tu ôl i’ch llygaid cau. Mae’r profiad yn cynnwys sain amgylchynol 360 gradd, ac mae wedi’i gynllunio i fod yn daith fewnol bleserus a all fod yn hamddenol ac yn gyffrous.

Nid yw’r profiad i’r Holl Synhwyrau yn addas i bobl feichiog na rhai pobl ag epilepsi neu sensitifrwydd posibl arall i oleuadau sy’n fflachio’n gyflym a synau uchel. Os oes unrhyw fath o’r sensitifrwydd hyn arnoch chi, rydym yn awgrymu eich bod yn ystyried trefnu profiad Gwrando Dwfn.

Mae profiad Gwrando Dwfn Dreamachine yn brofiad ymgolli mewn sain amgylchynol 360 gradd gyda goleuadau ysgafn nad ydynt yn cynnwys goleuadau sy’n fflachio’n gyflym. Mae wedi’i gynllunio i wneud y profiad mor hygyrch â phosibl i’r rhai a allai fod â sensitifrwydd i oleuadau strôb neu amgylcheddau sy’n ysgogi’r holl synhwyrau.

Ar ôl y naill brofiad Dreamachine neu’r llall, cewch eich gwahodd i dreulio amser yn ein Man Myfyrio rhyngweithiol yn y lleoliad, lle bydd cyfleoedd i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau creadigol neu fyfyriol yn unigol a gydag eraill.

How do I contact the Box Office? (W)

The Dreamachine is an immersive experience with music and light, designed to be enjoyed with your eyes closed. You will be comfortably seated throughout the experience.

It is inspired by an extraordinary 1959 invention by artist Brion Gysin, described as the ‘first artwork to be experienced with your eyes closed’. The 21st Century Dreamachine has been created by a team of leading minds in architecture, technology, music, neuroscience, and philosophy, including Turner Prize-winning collective Assemble and Grammy-nominated composer Jon Hopkins.

You’ll be able to experience Dreamachine in London, Cardiff.

How do I book a ticket? (W)

The Dreamachine is an immersive experience with music and light, designed to be enjoyed with your eyes closed. You will be comfortably seated throughout the experience.

It is inspired by an extraordinary 1959 invention by artist Brion Gysin, described as the ‘first artwork to be experienced with your eyes closed’. The 21st Century Dreamachine has been created by a team of leading minds in architecture, technology, music, neuroscience, and philosophy, including Turner Prize-winning.

The Dreamachine immersive experience is part of a wider Dreamachine programme exploring perception, illusion and the power of the mind. It is part of UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK.

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